Guatemala Living Blogs

Guatemala Living Blogs and Bloggers is a topic of great on-line conversation and debate. Having written over 900 original articles about Guatemala Living including topics about, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Livingston, Monterrico and Tikal I feel I have the right to talk about bloggers that go on line to talk about Guatemala Living.

Guatemala Living Blogs

Guatemala Living and Ex Pats, well I have a mixed opinion about Ex Pats writing about Guatemala Living. I have great friends in Guatemala that over the years I have helped with there own web sites Blogs giving suggestions on topics, ideas for travel and use photos. Not stock images go out and take a picture of something special in Guatemala.

Most blogging about Guatemala Living is done by those that own a business and are self promoting there own interests to draw attention to there business through the use of blogs. It is a free world so blog away. The annoyances I find with these bloggers is the fact that little research is done about topics, mostly cut and paste from other articles. Take a trip, go to a Finca, meet local people and before you write a word truly get to know Guatemala.

George at Georges Travel Club, Nancy from Guatemala Reservations, Lee at Lake Atitlan Travel Guide are purest Bloggers. They being Ex Pats write about there real experiences of Guatemala Living. George and Lee are amazing writers, Nancy while long winded sorry Nancy, all cover and express different yet amazing points of view about Guatemala Living.

Guatemala Living

They all own business’s in Guatemala and respect the gifts Guatemala has given them as business owners. Each in there own way have built over the years business interests which started from at first coming to and experiencing Guatemala Living.

Take Elizabeth Bell with Antigua Tours as an example of a person that has taken Guatemala Living and taken it to the highest level of community interest through her business. Walk into Elizabeth Bell’s Antigua Tours office and you will find the walls adorned with awards, letters and support from all over the world in the work Antigua Tours and Elizabeth Bell has done to maintain the heritage of Antigua Guatemala. Does Elizabeth Bell blog no, she is very active on Facebook.

Blogging about Guatemala Living is not an easy task to have your articles found on line or in fact anyplace at all. Bloggers often think I have a blog and I will be found on-line. Perhaps after 200 original blog articles on very specific topics will result in a few second or third page placements in search engines. Or asking your friends on Facebook to follow your blogs well they will tire of that quickly.

Guatemala Living is a great topic to write about if you have the experience of Guatemala Living not from behind the gated communities of Antigua.

We are passionate about Antigua Guatemala Tours

We are passionate about Guatemala. Each of our tours will show you different aspects of our country, different corners of its streets, unique insight into our home communities and much more! Come see the best of Guatemala with us.

Located a 45 minute drive from Guatemala City, Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  Centrally located in the highlands of Guatemala, Antigua is famous for its well-preserved Spanish Baroque influenced architecture, beautiful cobblestone streets, cultural activities, as well as spectacular ruins of colonial churches.  Nestled between three spectacular volcanoes: Agua, Acatenango and Fuego provide a breath-taking view.
Whether you are visiting Antigua Guatemala for a few days or weeks, it has something to offer all travel tastes.  Our Antigua tours provide a unique insight to the real Antigua that most people don’t see on the average mass grouping, large tour bus, or tour trap type of excursions.  Our tours provide an experience rich in culture and tradition, geographic diversity, and ancient history that will leave you enchanted long after you have returned home. Whether wandering through the cobblestone streets of Antigua, browsing local markets, exploring Mayan villages by “chicken bus”, climbing volcanoes, interacting with the locals while tasting the genuine flavor of “Guatemalan food”, an Antigua Adventure gives you the best personal and real life Guatemala experience available!


Experience the striking beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage city on this 4-hour guided walking tour through the cobblestone streets of Antigua.  The touch of Spanish colonialism has made this city a very special place and a must see destination when visiting Guatemala.  Antigua is rich in history, full of historic buildings, churches, monuments, ruins, museums, markets, and beautiful architecture structures.  Pictures taken here are postcard perfect.
English speaking guide & lunch provided

Surround yourself in the rich history and breathtaking scenery of Antigua’s Parque Central
Visit the Churches of San Francisco and La Merced
Visit the Cathedral Church of San José
Savor lunch at a local restaurant
Explore the local Antigua market
Antigua Guatemala has positioned itself as the best city of traditional sweets in the country – let’s put this to a taste test at one of the local bakeries
Visit Museo Casa del Tejido (Textile Museum)
Our Antigua tour begins exploring the tranquil beauty of San Francisco Church, home to the shrine of Peter of St Joseph Betancur.  Pilgrims seeking answers to their prayers often visit this multi-domed church.  Explore the monastery, ruins, and the museum.  It has a charm all its own and is surrounded by tiny pockets of flower-filled secret gardens and ancient statues.  On route to Parque Central we will stop by El Tanque Union, an old laundry with stone tubs that is still in use.
As we walk along the cobblestone streets you will observe local life and see the finest examples of Spanish-era architecture in the Americas, a place of baroque churches and rigorously maintained colonial homes. What one finds as they walk upon the cobblestone streets is a wonder of design in the hand crafted wooden double doors studded with large brass or iron bosses that protect the homes behind these Spanish-era architecture doors.
Walking through the maze of bustling streets that make up Antigua we will come to Parque Central or Central Park located in the heart of the city, surrounded by the traditional grid pattern frequently utilized in Spanish urban planning in the colonies. The park is surrounded by the Palace of the Captain Generals, City Hall, the Cathedral of San José, the Archbishop’s Palace.  In the center of Parque Central stands the famous Siren’s Fountain, a popular gathering spot in the city.
Lunch will be provided in a local eatery that provides authentic Guatemalan food.  Sampling some local village dishes is a real special Guatemala travel experience.
After lunch we will continue our tour walking under the Arch of Saint Catherine as we head to La Merced Church and Convent.  La Merced Church is the best example of the baroque style that was predominant in antique constructions.  It is also the starting and ending point for the famous Good Friday procession of Antigua.
We continue our walking tour exploring the Antigua Market on the western side of town, which can best be described as a cultural experience.  Bursting with color, Mayan chocolate, flowers, seafood, meat, exotic fruits, spices, and food of all descriptions, this is a bustling authentic marketplace offering insight into a local way of life.  This market also sells handicrafts, musical instruments, and souvenirs.
The Guatemalan gastronomy is rich in variety of sweets in all regions of the country, but Antigua Guatemala is the city that most represents the variety and flavors of our sweets – breads, pies, cakes, and candies.  Enough said…we know it’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.  Nobly sacrificing our waistlines and striking an accord with Mr. Tooth Decay, your guide will take you to one of the local bakeries and introduce you to “dulces tipicos”, old-fashioned handmade treats made from milk, marzipan, honey, sesame seeds and local fruits such as guava and coconut.  Most of them are cooked and prepared in a traditional way.  This is why they are so delicious and natural, with no chemical preservative.
We end our tour at the Museo Casa del Tejido (Textile Museum).  Here you will find on display the blouses, shawls, skirts, hair adornments and more — all created in the distinctive indigenous weaving tradition of Guatemala.  Many Maya communities throughout the country are represented through this permanent exhibit of true artisanal work.
At the end of the tour you are free to continue exploring the area or your guide will assist you with directions back to your hotel.  You will now know why people call Antigua “ the colonial jewel of the Americas”.  What a way to spend the day.

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Touring Guatemala – Lake Atitlán

Lake Atitlán Guatemala is located 2.5 hours drive from Guatemala City International Airport and 1.5 hours from Antigua Guatemala. Most arrive at the lake in Panajachel and stay in a hotel there or take a boat to other hotels and hostels on the lake.  While some people choose to do day trips to Lake Atitlán, we recommend spending a few days exploring the Lake and the surrounding villages.

Lake Atitlán is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the worlds according to National Geographic.  Located a mile high in the Highlands of Guatemala, Lake Atitlán is the deepest lake in Central America at 1,115 feet.  Surrounded by three volcanoes with traditional Mayan villages scatted along the shoreline, it is a place of immeasurable beauty.

Whether it’s awe-inspiring nature, village’s rich with Mayan culture and ceremonies, hiking, kayaking, riding bikes, bird watching, horseback riding, visiting nature preserves, or kicking back for some rest and relaxation Lake Atitlán Guatemala provides no shortage of opportunities for breath-taking beauty and recreational activities.

There is no road that circles the lake.  Santa Cruz La Laguna and Jaibalito can only be reached by boat. Santa Catarina Palopó and San Antonio Palopó are linked to Panajachel. The villages Santa Clara La Laguna and San Pedro La Laguna are located on the West, Santiago Atitlán on the South, and San Lucas Tolimán on the East side of Lake Atitlán Guatemala.

Whether you are visiting Lake Atitlán Guatemala for a few days or a week, you will undoubtedly enjoy the scenic and recreational opportunities it presents.

Some facts about the villages (each villages has its own personality and charm):
Panajachel is easily accessible from Antigua or Guatemala City, most buses and shuttles end up here and all the boats to Lake Atitlán’s surrounding villages leave from Panajachel’s  docks.  With its fun market (bargain shoppers paradise) and delicious restaurants it is the perfect place to kick off your lake visit.
San Marcos has a reputation with the holistic community with many centers for massage, reiki, mediation and alternative therapies.  This holistic reputation has extended into the food arenas as well with many great organic food restaurants.
San Juan you feel a sense of indigenous pride here and the locals keep their lovely village spotless and clean.  Highlights are the woman’s weaving cooperative using all natural dyes and weaving beautiful products.
San Pedro is a lake town full of Spanish schools and nightlife.  They also have a great museum detailing the geographical and cultural history of the area.
Santiago is nestled between three volcanoes.  It’s the biggest village on the lake and has a vibrant and turbulent history. Santiago is best known for being home to Maximon, Guatemala’s folk saint.



Located at 2500 meters above sea level, this town is famous amongst tourists for its market on Thursdays and Sundays, where spats of traditionally dressed villagers in a kaleidoscope of colors, come to sell their very colorful textiles, fruits, vegetables and flowers. Although seemingly very commercial, there is much mysticism in the air. You will be amazed by the religious blend that exists, where colonial Spanish Catholicism, modern evangelism and ancient Mayan tradition, blend in a uniquely harmonious fashion. There is something deeply moving about watching a Mayan Indian or shaman, engulfed by incense and surrounded by flowers, praying to a catholic God and at the same time practicing ancient Mayan rituals, all in an old Spanish colonial Cathedral. It is here, in Chichicastenango, that Father Francisco Ximenez in the 17th century discovered the Popol Vuh, the illustrious Mayan bible.

Guided tour of the Chichi market with English speaking guide.

Lunch not included. $45.00 per person.

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