Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients??

The Ingredients to produce Guatemala Bullet Coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Arabica shade-grown coffee beans, Single Origin, Patio dried medium roast. Our washed Caturra is a great example of what a Guatemalan coffee should be.

This coffee finished seventh in the 2018 Regional Competition cupping at 83.00 points and eighth in 2019 with a cupping score of 84.50. It has a nice juicy body with some grapefruit and caramel flavor. This is one of those coffees where you can easily drink more than just one cup in a sitting.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Ceremonial cacao made from whole cacao beans, the beans undergo a fermentation process necessary for cultivating their flavor profile and activating certain natural compounds.

The beans, roasted at low temperatures, cracked, and stone-ground by traditional means. Mayan Ceremonial Cacao follows the recipes of the Mayan culture with the final process produced in blocks of Chocolate.

Vanilla beans from the Coban region of Guatemala, considered world-class and are highly sought after. Vanilla is the specialty harvested cured seedpod of an orchid vine native to Guatemala.

Others claim to have produced the “world’s strongest coffee”. Death Wish Coffee is a coffee brand that claims to sell the “world’s strongest coffee.” The coffee is primarily sold online, but it is also sold in grocery stores across the U.S. Death Wish Coffee was introduced in 2012.

“Guatemala Bullet Coffee” has robust flavors of the natural ingredients, and provides a strong energy boost to start your day. For more information on purchasing packs of “Guatemala Bullet Coffee” and our secret recipes, we would love to hear from you. We ship daily from Guatemala by DHL Express services arriving in the US in three days.



Antigua Guatemala the best coffee

Antigua Guatemala and area the best coffee

Guatemala is known around the world as a producer of high mountain shade coffee. Antigua and Lake Atitlan are in the heart of this Guatemala Highlands where in much of the great coffee of Guatemala is grown and harvested.

That said one would expect that Antigua and Lake Atitlan coffee would be available throughout Antigua Guatemala, it is and each coffee shop in Antigua roasts and brews their coffee beans slightly differently.

Me I need strong thick black coffee to start my day. I have tasted most of the highly promoted cafe’s and coffee shops in Antigua and in  Lake Atitlan this story is about my two spots out of all in Antigua that great me each morning with the cup of coffee I desire. Black Coffee.

First choice for my Antigua Guatemala coffee or cafe my pick is Cafe La Parada. Which is located on the 6th avenue north in Antigua. Directly across from La Merced Church. If you are facing La Merced Church entrance turn around and look behind you. You will run right into Cafe La Parada. Thus is a small 6 seat coffee house that is all about coffee from Guatemala and nothing else. No fancy signs, no promotions just the best cup of Java I face every morning.

My second choice for coffee or a cafe for coffee in Antigua is Micho’s café pub which is located on the 4th Avenue North just a block east of the Central Park. If you are facing the Cathedral in Central Park the street to your left is the 4th Avenue walk up the 4th and you cannot miss Micho’s café pub is on the right hand side. You will see a small coffee roaster at the entrance. The service is excellent the coffee is great and the prices are very reasonable.

Antigua Guatemala Coffee
Antigua Guatemala has long been recognized for growing the highest quality coffees in the world. It’s climate, high altitude, fertile volcanic soils and traditional farming practices contribute to the making of the world’s finest coffee.

Lake Atitlan
The lake basin supports extensive coffee growth and a variety of farm crops, most notably corn. Other significant agricultural products include onions, beans, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, chile verde, strawberries, avocados and pitahaya fruit. The lake itself is rich in animal life which provides a significant food source for the largely indigenous population.

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Café No Sé in Antigua Guatemala means “Mezcal Know”

If you think Café No Sé on the 1st Avenida Sur in Antigua is about coffee, think again. This is a Bar and one of Antigua Guatemala’s best late night hang outs. While Mono Loco Bar and Reilly’s Irish Tavern catch much of the travel review attention Café No Sé is my choice for late night entertainment.

This is a funky bar with strange decorations and remarks written on the walls. Yes they feature three kinds of Mezcal by the shot. On a piece of card board is a list of banned music to be played including Lady Gaga and even Metallica. Stitched together burlap coffee sacks act as the entrance to a different bar.

What  Café No Sé is most famous for is what I would call the “Mezcal Bar” Off the main Bar is a doorway with an old 1950’s style Refrigerator door as the entrance. I have been told well actually I know late at night when the other bars close groups stay and hang out in the Mezcal Bar at Café No Sé.

The drinks are cheap and they offer many to choose from, including draft Beer Gallo and yes Mescal by the shot. When you compare the big guns un bars in Antigua like Mono Loco and Reilly’s Irish Tavern, well Café No Sé has them beat hands down.

Get to Café No Sé before 1 in the morning or when the doors close you will miss the party that starts. Yes I know I spelled Mescal Mezcal spanish translation for Café No Sé.

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