Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients??

The Ingredients to produce Guatemala Bullet Coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Arabica shade-grown coffee beans, Single Origin, Patio dried medium roast. Our washed Caturra is a great example of what a Guatemalan coffee should be.

This coffee finished seventh in the 2018 Regional Competition cupping at 83.00 points and eighth in 2019 with a cupping score of 84.50. It has a nice juicy body with some grapefruit and caramel flavor. This is one of those coffees where you can easily drink more than just one cup in a sitting.

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients coffee

Guatemala Bullet Coffee Ingredients

Ceremonial cacao made from whole cacao beans, the beans undergo a fermentation process necessary for cultivating their flavor profile and activating certain natural compounds.

The beans, roasted at low temperatures, cracked, and stone-ground by traditional means. Mayan Ceremonial Cacao follows the recipes of the Mayan culture with the final process produced in blocks of Chocolate.

Vanilla beans from the Coban region of Guatemala, considered world-class and are highly sought after. Vanilla is the specialty harvested cured seedpod of an orchid vine native to Guatemala.

Others claim to have produced the “world’s strongest coffee”. Death Wish Coffee is a coffee brand that claims to sell the “world’s strongest coffee.” The coffee is primarily sold online, but it is also sold in grocery stores across the U.S. Death Wish Coffee was introduced in 2012.

“Guatemala Bullet Coffee” has robust flavors of the natural ingredients, and provides a strong energy boost to start your day. For more information on purchasing packs of “Guatemala Bullet Coffee” and our secret recipes, we would love to hear from you. We ship daily from Guatemala by DHL Express services arriving in the US in three days.



An Ethical Fashion Brand In Guatemala Protecting the Artisans Copyright

A Great Article about Guatemala Ethical Brands

Ethical Fashion Guatemala is a documented Ethical Fashion Brand located in PanajachelGuatemala on the shore of Lake Atitlan showcasing Authentic Mayan Artisans and their handmade woven textiles. Our Ethical Fashion Brand has supported the sustainable history and culture of the Mayan People of Guatemala since its inception.

An Ethical Fashion Brand In Guatemala Protecting the Artisans Copyright



Lake Atitlan Travel Blog

The term Ethical Fashion Brand has been used over and over world wide to interest consumers in thinking the products offered are from an Ethical Fashion Brand from Guatemala in this case.

Ethical Fashion Brand Ethical Fashion Brand

Ethical Fashion Guatemala is a documented Ethical Fashion Brand located in PanajachelGuatemala on the shore of Lake Atitlan showcasing Authentic Mayan Artisans and their handmade woven textiles. Our Ethical Fashion Brand has supported the sustainable history and culture of the Mayan People of Guatemala since its inception.

Ethical Fashion Brand | Our Story. Ethical Fashion Brand | Our Story.

Ethical Fashion Branding was important to establish as part of the Brand Ethical Fashion Guatemala represents. Corporate brandingwhich is our Ethical Fashion Brand | Our Story. Refers to the practice of promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, as opposed to specific products or services. The activities and thinking that go into corporate branding are different from product…

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Ethical Fashion Brand | Our Guatemala Story

A Great Article about Guatemala Ethical Brands

Does “Fair-Trade” Coffee Help Poor Nations?

In Guatemala not exactly.


However, a recent analysis of Fair Trade cooperatives in Guatemala indicate that while Fair Trade is indeed helping to improve the situation for some growers with small to mid-size farms, the actual improvement in wages and working conditions for the seasonal workers have been minimal to non-existent.

Also, according to Fair Trade Labeling Organizations International, Fair Trade farmers sell only about 20% of their coffee at a Fair Trade price.

The rest is sold at the lower world price due to lack of demand for Fair Trade coffee, thus continuing to keep worker ‘s wages below what is needed to adequately feed and shelter their families.


Lake Atitlan Travel Blog

Culture appropriation is a controversial topic, but when it affects an entire community’s economy, it becomes criminal. Companies are buying samples of Maya products made by Guatemalan artisans and mass producing their own. They then claim their products are authentic and handmade by the women in Guatemala.

Ethical Fashion Brand | Our Guatemala Story, has found some of these companies use images of Maya women to give their brand a more authentic look. When confronted, most remove the images, but others prefer to fight back despite the harm they cause. There are hundreds of thousands of fake artisanal products online that infringe copyright laws.

Most simply copy the others hoping some poor consumer will make the mistake and purchase from one of the Ethical Websites.

These fake sites use keywords like tipico backpack, tipico bags, guatemalan leather backpack, tipico topshop, tipico sale. Making claims such as Ethical fashion brand…

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