Guatemala Living Blogs

Guatemala Living Blogs and Bloggers is a topic of great on-line conversation and debate. Having written over 900 original articles about Guatemala Living including topics about, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Livingston, Monterrico and Tikal I feel I have the right to talk about bloggers that go on line to talk about Guatemala Living.

Guatemala Living Blogs

Guatemala Living and Ex Pats, well I have a mixed opinion about Ex Pats writing about Guatemala Living. I have great friends in Guatemala that over the years I have helped with there own web sites Blogs giving suggestions on topics, ideas for travel and use photos. Not stock images go out and take a picture of something special in Guatemala.

Most blogging about Guatemala Living is done by those that own a business and are self promoting there own interests to draw attention to there business through the use of blogs. It is a free world so blog away. The annoyances I find with these bloggers is the fact that little research is done about topics, mostly cut and paste from other articles. Take a trip, go to a Finca, meet local people and before you write a word truly get to know Guatemala.

George at Georges Travel Club, Nancy from Guatemala Reservations, Lee at Lake Atitlan Travel Guide are purest Bloggers. They being Ex Pats write about there real experiences of Guatemala Living. George and Lee are amazing writers, Nancy while long winded sorry Nancy, all cover and express different yet amazing points of view about Guatemala Living.

Guatemala Living

They all own business’s in Guatemala and respect the gifts Guatemala has given them as business owners. Each in there own way have built over the years business interests which started from at first coming to and experiencing Guatemala Living.

Take Elizabeth Bell with Antigua Tours as an example of a person that has taken Guatemala Living and taken it to the highest level of community interest through her business. Walk into Elizabeth Bell’s Antigua Tours office and you will find the walls adorned with awards, letters and support from all over the world in the work Antigua Tours and Elizabeth Bell has done to maintain the heritage of Antigua Guatemala. Does Elizabeth Bell blog no, she is very active on Facebook.

Blogging about Guatemala Living is not an easy task to have your articles found on line or in fact anyplace at all. Bloggers often think I have a blog and I will be found on-line. Perhaps after 200 original blog articles on very specific topics will result in a few second or third page placements in search engines. Or asking your friends on Facebook to follow your blogs well they will tire of that quickly.

Guatemala Living is a great topic to write about if you have the experience of Guatemala Living not from behind the gated communities of Antigua.